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Aim-tti LD400P直流电子负载,LD400DP价格

Aim-tti LD400P直流电子负载,LD400DP价格

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产品名称:Aim-tti LD400P直流电子负载,LD400DP价格




Aim-tti LD400P直流电子负载,LD400DP价格:Electronic DC Load, 80V, 80A, 400W with analogue and digital control, USB, RS232, LAN (LXI) and GPIB

Aim-tti LD400P直流电子负载,LD400DP价格的详细介绍

Aim-tti LD400P直流电子负载,LD400DP价格:
Electronic DC Load, 80V, 80A, 400W with analogue control interface onlyElectronic DC Load, 80V, 80A, 400W with analogue and digital control, USB, RS232, LAN (LXI) and GPIB Versatile solution for testing dc power sources
Constant current, resistance, conductance, voltage and power modes
  • Versatile solution for testing dc power sources
  • Constant current, resistance, conductance, voltage and power modes
  • Wide voltage and current range, 0 to 80V and 0 to 80A
  • 400 watts continuous dissipation at 28oC (360W at 40oC)
  • 600 watts short-term dissipation (up to 60 seconds)
  • Low minimum operating voltage of <1V at 40A
  • High resolution and accuracy for level setting
  • Built-in transient generator with variable slew
  • Current monitor output for waveform viewing
  • Variable drop-out voltage for battery testing
  • High resolution backlit graphic LCD with soft key control
  • Analogue remote control of levels and TTL control of on/off and transient switching
  • Front and rear input terminals (front terminals 30A max.)
  • Full bus control via USB, RS232, GPIB and LXI compliant LAN interfaces (LD400P)
Aim-tti LD400P直流电子负载,LD400DP价格:
Versatile and inexpensive load testing The LD400 is an inexpensive 400 watt electronic load which is suitable for testing and characterizing a wide variety of dc power sources.

It can be used to investigate the behaviour of many different types of power source such as batteries and solar cells, as well as electronic power supply units.

Its wide voltage/current range, multiple operating modes and built-in transient generator give it the versatility to offer test solutions from the design laboratory through to the component test area.

The LD400P adds full bus remote control via USB, RS-232, GPIB and LAN (Ethernet) interfaces. 80 volts, 80 amps and up to 600 watts Subject to its maximum power ratings, the LD400 can operate at up to 80 volts or up to 80 amps.

It can operate at power levels up to 600 watts for periods of up to 1 minute. Short term loading can be sufficient for many testing applications and significantly extends the usefulness.
Low minimum operating voltage The LD400 can operate at voltages below 500mV for currents up to 10 amps. At higher currents the fixed minimum resistance (typically better than 25milliOhms) gradually raises the minimum operating voltage, but it remains below 1 volt up to 40 amps and below 2 volts up to 80 amps.

This low operating voltage allows it to be used for many low voltage applications for which other electronic loads are unsuitable. Multiple modes of operation The LD400 can operate in constant current, constant resistance, constant conductance, constant voltage or constant power modes. Transient generator and variable slew The LD400 incorporates a full variable frequency, variable duty cycle transient generator.

Switching between the two preset levels can be done at any frequency between 0.01Hz and 10kHz. The transient generator can be used in all operating modes. The rate of change between levels (slew rate) is controllable over a wide range. Remote control for system applications remote co<ems></ems>ntrol interface logosThe LD400P incorporates USB, RS232, GPIB and LXI compliant LAN interfaces. These provide full remote control and read-back capabilities and are supported by an IVI driver for high level language applications.

Duplicate power and sense terminals are incorporated at the rear. The compact half-rack 3U size saves space. A rack mount suitable for one or two units is available.
Aim-tti LD400P直流电子负载,LD400DP价格:
LD400 & LD400P
  • Versatile solution for testing dc power sources
  • Constant current, resistance, conductance, voltage and power modes
  • Wide voltage and current range, 0 to 80V and 0 to 80A
  • 400 watts continuous dissipation at 28°C (360W at 40°C)
  • 600 watts short-term dissipation (up to 60 seconds)
  • Low minimum operating voltage of <1V at 40A
  • High resolution and accuracy for level setting
  • Built-in transient generator with variable slew
  • Current monitor output for waveform viewing
  • Variable drop-out voltage for battery testing
  • High resolution backlit graphic LCD with soft key control
  • Analogue remote control of levels and TTL control of on/off and transient switching
  • Front and rear input terminals (front terminals 30A max.)
  • Full bus control via USB, RS232, GPIB and LXI compliant LAN interfaces (LD400P)


Aim-tti LD400P直流电子负载,LD400DP价格
Aim-tti LD400P直流电子负载,LD400DP价格:Electronic DC Load, 80V, 80A, 400W with analogue and digital control, USB, RS232, LAN (LXI) and GPIB
Aim-tti LD400直流电子负载,LD400价格
Aim-tti LD400直流电子负载,LD400价格:Electronic DC Load, 80V, 80A, 400W with analogue control interface onlyVersatile solution for testing dc power sources
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